COVID-19 and How You Can Help

Greetings to our supporters who have been an important part of Esombo and Kairos for the past 10 years.  In these turbulent times of global crisis, Esombo is experiencing the same economic impact as many other businesses around the world. Because we cannot share our products at events, open houses, parties, and retailers who we partner with are closed, we have had a serious drop in sales.  The reality is, we cannot continue to further our mission without your support. We need your help!

Esombo Cares

Esombo creates economic opportunity for skilled women in Ghana so they can provide for their families. When you purchase their beautiful hand-crafted jewelry or handmade soft goods, you are creating jobs, as well as helping us educate and train other young women and children throughout Ghana.

How You Can Help


Our online store is OPENSupport Esombo and The Pearl House by purchasing our handcrafted jewelry, unique soft goods, and Pearl House merchandise.


Our new way to connect with you and your friends!  Pull together your girlfriends, and invite them to shop Esombo virtually with a special discount. Use our resources, gather your friends on Zoom, Skype or Facetime for a fun time while you support a worthy cause.  Email for more details.


There’s never been a more critical time to support Esombo. Consider purchasing Gift Certificates to brighten somebody’s day. Buy now for Mother’s Day, graduation or even the Holidays.


In this time of isolation, you can still share the word about Esombo’s mission to empower, educate, and employ.  Wear your jewelry, pull out your cosmetic bag, or throw on your Pearl House t-shirt and take a picture. We would love for you to share these pictures on Facebook or Instagram.  Make sure to tag us @esomboartisanaccesories!

We’re working together, even when we’re apart, to Empower, Educate, and Employ at-risk women in Ghana to change their families, their communities, and their nation.  Please support us so we can continue employing our artisans, supporting The Pearl House, and so we can change the world together!